About Newspaper of Mountsorrel.

Hi there!

Love to travel and always are on the lookout for your next journey? Need to travel all the time, as well as to explore new places? We from mountsorrel.org.uk share you interests and are absolutely enamored of all kinds of trips (weekend trips, two-week holidays, round trips or even tours round the world)!

Our blog is our mission – to share with all holidaymakers our experience with travels, as well as to guide them and give them the answers of the most common questions associated with every trip: “How to travel better”, “How to travel cheaply”, or “How to find the best destination for my holiday”.mountsorrel

It does not matter whether your travel will take you near or too far, because when planning any type of holiday somewhere, everybody has a lot to think about, right? And even if you want to visit some destination only for two days, the thoughts in your mind are the same as when you are planning a long trip – “What can I do when I once get there?”, “Whether I will have the holiday I’ve expected?” and many other unnecessary worries! Our advice to our readers is to stop over-plan, because thus you will not be able to fully enjoy your vacation…

Each holiday is unforgettable, unique and will bring you many priceless memories – remember that! And we want to show you that the world is really wonderful place. Just have to see it…

Our tourist blog is named after the beautiful village of Mountsorrel in England (click here to see some General News for Our Village) and by reading our interesting articles we publish every day, you will learn where the best summer resorts are (visit our category Summer holidays) and where you can have the most exciting ski vacation ever (see Winter holidays)!

Besides the specific information about various destinations you will find in our blog, there also are many useful guidelines about what are the cool things you can do during your vacation (depending on the destination). Together with that, you will understand how to save more money if you have a tinny budget and how to travel better with your kids!

In our blog we have created with much enthusiasm, everybody will find something useful and something that he did not know so far.

And except the varied, tourist information we daily share, here you can find interesting Travel News for Our Village Mountsorrel too. Don’t miss to visit this category – you will be pleasantly surprised by the things you can learn!



UK and Local Home services is the category where we publish useful articles related to the home and its maintenance, so if you need to know some tricks or tips – check this out!

Our Local Firms and Businessfor some people this section may be of most interests, because here we listed some companies dealing with different types of activities and it would be useful for you to know them.

Get our best travel tips, read our blog every day and don’t be afraid to ask questions! Feel free to comment our posts and to email us if you need! Enjoy!